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Showing posts from December, 2009

It's in the Air

OK, so my year of Sci Fi only is over, with only minor transgressions along the way. As I was writing my 'novel' for 2009 NaNoWriMO, I realized I had never read a romance. So last month I did, just to get a feel for what (some) woman read. Interesting reading. I chose Nora Roberts (Dance Upon the Air), and I must say, I enjoyed the quality for the writing. The only real difference that jumped out at me in terms of the writing was the plot - it just wasn't the sort of thing I was into. I liked the characters OK, but the conflict wasn't the sort of thing I enjoy. Which is what I should have expected. There was no reason to expect the writing would be a lower quality. I really did like the characters. It was just not my flavor of story. The learning continues.